A “Stock Price Catalyst” is defined as an event that initiates or accelerates a strong share price reaction.

There are thousands of small cap stocks with stagnant and lifeless share prices.

Months and even years can go by without any exciting news.

The share price drifts and shareholders get bored and frustrated.

CatalystHunter.com provides alerts when a stock is close
to a share price catalyst that could potentially initiate a share price movement.

…This can be within days.

A share price catalyst could be many things, depending on the business of the company:


Mineral exploration drilling results


Positive test results of a new medical drug


Market release of a new technology


Reverse take over into shell


Favourable Government Legislation changes


Drilling an oil well


The list goes on…

These share price catalyst events take years and months of work and preparation…

Why invest in stock when there is still months and months before any share price movement could happen?


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